Thursday, October 04, 2007

Who should we blame?

I really asked my self this question for million times a day, who should we blame?
Whose fault is that? I try my best to find an answer but it was to hart to find it by my self ,I couldn't find any one to blame him after all ,I hope that if you guys have an answer or thought that you want to shear it with me I will be very happy to hear from you guys .
I thing that we all have the responsibility to find out what went wrong and try to fix things at least in our way by show it and discusses it ,I know that you guys can help us ,and we can help our self too ,but as we all agree about it , I thing that there been wrong things ,and there is still mistakes ,and there is things that we can fix or at least keep it good as it is ,yes there been a damages ,but if we can do something lets do it .
Things start to get worse after the first year of the war ,when the interest of the foreign countries and the parties and the political movements start to invite our country, and the wrong ideas start to show up by the name of democracy ,one of the sides that take part a big part of the wrong situation in Iraq was by the parties that show on the Iraqi site, every thing went wrong as soon as they been in charge of things ,yes for sure for unknown people ,people with out experience ,and they don’t know what they want for the people ,who should they represents ,also the most dangerous thing that they came to be on charge or in this position only for there own interest , for there party interest ,they never aver take care for what the people need ,what is the most important thing for the families ,the children's ,the young people ,there own interest was to stay on power ,and after we had one man controlling our life's ,we have a bunch of them now , this is one of the reasons that I think is causing all this misses.
And I think that the situation in Iraq , damage the picture of democracy all over the world .


At 4:56 PM , Blogger Brian H said...

Hi, Sarmand!

A couple of edit notes first:
"rung" is a step on a ladder, or the past participle of the verb "ring". The word you want is "wrong".

And don't position commas in English like in Arabic. The comma comes after the word on the left, not before the word on the right.

As for "fault", think of it this way: There was huge suppression for 35 years. The lid was suddenly lifted, and everyone was confused and many were greedy. An explosion of violence and attempts to take over happened.

Finally, enough has been learned by all that things are getting straightened out, but it won't be instantaneous. It will be faster than you presently expect, though.

At 5:09 AM , Blogger Paul Edwards said...

Sarmad, what went wrong is Arab or Middle Eastern culture. You identify as groups based on race and religion. E.g. you say "I'm a Muslim" instead of "I'm a human", or better yet, "I'm a non-religious bigot", or the best, "I'm an anti-religious bigot".

Instead of identifying by race, such as "I'm an Arab", the people of Iraq should be identifying as "I'm a non-racist" or "I'm an anti-racist".

Another problem is with human genes. Humans appear to be natural subjugators. Thus, Sunnis want to rule over Shiites and vice-versa. Instead, both parties should identify as anti-subjugators and ensure that the other group is fully protected and happy.

Which leads into "empathy for strangers", another philosophy you need to adopt.

And here is something in Arabic for you:

"Ana Atta5ith 3ahdan 3ala An Ajid 6ariqatan Limu7arabat Isti3badi Ay Insan, Matha 3ank?"

I pledge allegiance to use my brain to fight subjugation of my species - do you?

What do you think would happen if Iraqis were taught this, instead of being taught "Iraq is part of the Arab nation" and "Iraq is an Islamic state"?

There's much, much more. Let me know if you want it.

At 12:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want someone to blame? OK, I've got a candidate for you: Saddam Hussein. The Baath party in Iraq in the 1960s was a bunch of Chai-sipping socialist intellectuals. What they needed was some muscle. They hired Saddam. Unfortunately for them (and Iraq), he had other plans and murdered about a third of them in front of the other two thirds. Now, the big, dumb muscle guy became leader of the party. He then took over the country and ran it about as well as you would expect a big, dumb muscle guy being advised by socialists would: badly. He started wars he couldn't win, pissed off his benefactors in the West, sucked the treasury dry, and let the nation's infrastructure deteriorate.

Nobody knew what we would find when we peeled the lid off of Iraq. That's why Bush Sr. did not send the US Army to Baghdad in 1991. By 2003, it was no longer a choice. Bush Jr. sent Bremer in there hoping for the best but not realizing how bad it had gotten. Under the circumstances, I don't see how it would have been possible for Bremer not to have made some mistakes.

In 2006, the Al Askari shrine was bombed and its golden dome brought down. That began the sectarian fight. Who do we blame for that? Al Qaeda, that's who.

In 2007, Al Qaeda has largely been defeated in Iraq. Saudi clerics are issuing fatwas telling Saudis not to go to Iraq and local Iraqis are rooting out the terrorists and insurgents every day. Who's left to blame now? Iran. Just as the Sunnis in Anbar drove the foreigners out, the Shia must realize that while they and the Iranians share a religion, the Iranians' objective in Iraq is not to help Iraqis, but to embarrass America. If they are allowed to continue to pursue that goal, it will not be good for Iraq. The Shia must ask or force the Iranians to return to Iran. Then, the Americans will leave and that's the bottom line. Iraq's problems are due in large part to all the foreign fighters present in the country. Remove them and you remove the problems that came with them.

At 4:28 PM , Blogger Paul Edwards said...

kafir, "Nobody knew what we would find when we peeled the lid off of Iraq."

Well said. Sarmad, you really have no idea what the situation was like from our side. We had left-wing moonbats telling us that all Iraqis were 100% zombies who loved Saddam and marched in lockstep with him.

And at the other end of the spectrum was people similar to me who insisted that no-one was so stupid that they wanted to be Saddam's slave and not care about the fact that their daughter could be raped by their own government at any time and there wasn't a damn thing anyone could do about it.

In the end, we found that neither scenario was correct. Iraq was divided 50/50 into pro-freedom and anti-freedom.

If you can explain why your country is divided 50/50 instead of 95/5 in favour of liberation, you will have answered your own question. We weren't the ones who made 50% of people oppose freedom. That's inherent in your own culture. All we did was extract the truth via secret ballot. Now that we know what Iraqis genuinely want when given a secret ballot and 300 parties to choose from, we can take some action to change your culture. What action would you like us to take? Let's negotiate.

At 1:37 AM , Blogger Paul Edwards said...

Sarmad, you're not actually engaging in debate. If you don't do that, you're not going to solve the problem. All you're doing is posting complaints. Do you want to solve the problem or not? Most of the solution has been available for 3 years. It's up to you whether you want to solve the problem or not.

At 6:45 PM , Blogger D.C. said...

For sure freedom comes with big responsibility.
It must be hell sometimes in Iraq, and discouraging too! However, searching who to blame in the present mess, other that the ancient bloody regime, will distract any from real change. Look for solutions & go forward, don't look for more problems or others to accuse, that is counter-productive, a waste of energy.

That is the thing with subjugated nations. Once freed, their population have to learn abruptly how to manage their affairs, be productive and competitive while getting along with all partners under the same fair rules. That is tough!
Good luck!

At 5:02 PM , Blogger Chaar said...

Americans could have done a better job at management and administration. And there was no concrete reason for the war in the first place.

Try and emphasize with Samad who's in a war torn place.

Bremer had advisers whom he didn't listen to; same with Bush, Wolfowitz and Cheney.

Gen. Franks and Shinseki told them to get more troops and to make plans for the actual running of the country after the war. It wasn't done.

I don't blame Samad for his lack of english or his lack of understanding about how people should properly interact with each other across ethnicities/religious factions.

We shouldn't adopt the attitude that their people need to change to suit our viewpoint.

I am not entirely surprised that religious factionalism is rising and the "iraqi people" (as you term them) are not fixing their country.

Right now Samad is probably like many other Iraqis who live in a broken country without amenities or infrastructure, what Saddam at least provided.

And Saddam wasn't entirely a psycho, the responsibility for Saddam starting unwinnable wars lies also with the USA. American diplomates gave Saddam the wrong signal by claiming they had no opinion on him invading Kuwait..which was why he did it because he assumed the USA was okay with it.

Back to Iraq. USA did a piss pot job at running the country due to poor Upper level Executive policy makers.

At 5:02 PM , Blogger Chaar said...

Many people are to blame.

At 12:05 AM , Blogger Dave B said...

Dear Sarmand

I used to comment on Road of a Nation back in 2004 and 2005. I am so sorry things have not gone well in your beloved country. Lots of blame to go around, but here's how it looks from one involved American citizen.

Practically no provision was made for nation-building after early shooting ended. Our government apparently took Chalabi's word that he could put together an administration and everything would be great. When it was found that other people had other ideas about the future of Iraq, the clueless Bremmer was sent to restore order. He quickly turned out all the Bathists, you know the former Saddam functionaries, who knew how things were supposed to work. And of course the army was disbanded, throwing security on the woefully inadequate numbers of our troops.

As security began to fail, our forces made a big mistake by making a lesson out of Fallujah, further fanning terrorist solidarity.

Iraq was never going to be easy. Many of us recognized right away that the Rumsfeld policy of minimalist commitment was doomed to failure. We probably started out with half the "boots on the ground " that we needed.

God knows that you Sarmand, have more than held up your part of the bargain, as have the people of Iraq in general. One of the things I learned from blogging with you back in 2004/2005, was that there was a strong feeling of nationalism, a love of Iraq and her ancient traditions, that cut across sectarian and regional lines. I have always held onto that as being the true salvation of Iraq. I am sorry you lost your way, and I can totally understand why, but Iraq may yet see the day when it can stand tall once again as it did when it was "the cradle of civilization".

I can only imagine how weary you must be from trying to do your job in the midst of such chaos. You are no doubt aware of how our policy known as the Surge, turned thing around in Anbar. Couldn't have happened without the tribal leaders there. Our current field commander ,General Petreus, literally wrote the book on insurgency warfare. Our ambassador Crocker is also a big improvement over previous appointees.
A couple of weeks ago publishers started shipping Michael Yon's book, Moment of Truth in Iraq. Michael Yon is a former Green Beret and an independent journalist who has embedded with several different units in most of the hot spots in Iraq. He reports what he sees, including the good, the bad and the unspeakably ugly.

Thanks to people like Yon, somewhat positive news about Iraq is seeping into the American news.

High noon in Iraq is being played out at this moment in the city of Mosul, in the northern province of Ninevah. The remnants of Al Quaeda Iraq are fighting for their lives against the best elements of a much improved Iraqui Army supported by a much reduced American force. On May 15, Iraq President Maliki met with tribal leaders in that area along with many former Saddam military commanders to make the final push in Mosul.

This comes on the heels of the central government's campaign in Basra, the oil port in southern Iraq, against Muqtadar al-Sadr's Mahdi Army. Al-Sadr essentially surrendered, giving up heavy weapons he had formally denied having. The day after the government took over the oil operation in Basra, revenues shot up 6 million dollars. Perhaps the biggest news to come out of Basra, was that this was the predominantly Shia government on a Shia private militia. This has to be getting favorable review by the Sunni populace.

For those who believe the political solution in Iraq is not happening fast enough, pay close attention to what happened in Basra, and what is now happening in Mosul. The key in Iraq as it was key in the formation of the United States is a strong central government. That prospect, and therefore our eventual disengagement, gains credibility with each passing day.

It's my fervent prayer that Iraq the nation and you, personally, Sarmand will find peace.


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