Turn the channel?
Turn the channel these is now the most famous words here ,and most of the people are using it ,and it was said by “mark kemt” in a press conference ,when the journalist bother him with questions about the latest events ,and they was talking only about what they see on the “Al Jazeera” channel and they were insisting that most of the casualties were civilians ,and he was trying to explain that it’s not true ,but they seem that they didn’t wont to under stand ,so he said to one of them “Turn the channel “ and it seems that many people here are using it ,when they wont to change the subject, and indeed the press and specially “Al Jazeera” played an active side to change the hall feelings of the people towards the coalition and the troops and people begin to be afraid of the troops and the are avoiding them .
And you might wonder why people keep watching them ?
Simple answer because most of the people don’t know English well ,so they cant watch English news channels ,also people got nothing to do more than Waite to watch the news ,and most of the people are stick in there homes ,and waiting to see what will be happen.
And not only “Al Jazeera” channel is speaking against the coalition but all the Arabic spaces channels they are using the seem way, and it seem that this war is walking like they wont ,they succeed to make a very bad pictures on the collations ,and there are always witting for any thing to use it against them ,and if there is something good happening there are ignoring it, and avoiding it ,even if they do interviews with people they select there guests to make as more as they can from damages ,and move the peoples feelings and if we should support what happening there ,and they are going bigger and bigger and there turned to an organization here in Iraq ,supporting any action against the coalition even if it hearts the people of Iraq.
We asked for more than a time ,that we should deal with these channels ,and we were some times so happy when we heard that the “govern conical” closed there offices ,but it wont take more than days and we see them back and they start over and over ,and after all the hall thing is in the hand of the coalition ,and they seem that they enjoy that ,and they can simply closes there offices and solve the problem ,so you cant blame me or any one else watching these channels ,and you know well that we cant do anything to them and even there is a big risk for so many peoples to appear on there channels ,and say that we love America and we wont democracy ,it might end in grave ,also we cant hold guns and go simply to there head court and shot them , but they most funniest thing that all those who appears on the “Al Jazeera” channel they are staying in UK or USA and they are against the coalition and they ask they Iraqis and ignoring them to fight against the coalition and most of them are religious extremists and we watch the “Al Jazeera” channel programs and you see that they are recording from London and we see “Big been” on the back round of the programs ,you could find out why they keep doing that ,we are not alone now in Iraq and there is your troops here also and they are fighting trying to keep the danger away from you and your country ,and if you loss here you will find those people in you country fighting you there ,and I wonder why you keep those terrors in your land and give them political refuge like “Abo hamza Almasrey “and “Abd al bary atwan” and they speak about democracy and they encouraging the people to fight and kill as much they could from your troops,and they live in your country ,so the solution is in your side ,also “Mr.Bremer “ said before that there is a law for the press ,and if any one ignoring terries and support violence ,they will be churched and punished and put in chelas and others ,why they don’t take an action against “Al Jazeera” and don’t say the free media, because if you say that ,so you don’t have the Wright to say “don’t watch “Al Jazeera” also there is no station seem to show the things on deferent way ,even “Al horaa” which been open recently ,they seem they have a different type of puting out the things ,most of people don’t watched, and we are doing our beast to show our side ,and we find in the blogs the only way to express our self and show something from the truth .
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A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.
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A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
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