At the beginning we say, welcome to all the persons who visited or will visit my blog (roadofanation.blogspot.com). At the beginning of my speaking, I announce and as I mentioned previously that ill focus my interest firstly upon Iraq-rebuilding subject for tow main reasons: firstly because it's my beloved specialization, secondly, because the Idea of Iraq rebuilding occupies the first degree in minds of the most Iraqi citizens in Spite of the life of Iraqi citizen became connected more or less with the policy according To the circumstances of Iraq through three decades from the sufferings and tortures. As we know that the economical development is considered one of the most important Fundamentals in building a new civilized and developed society because the economical Factor plays an effective role in all fields of life, in addition to the general culture which Plays also a large role in the operation of changing the human-beings behavior, knowing that the operation of changing the societies behavior is not so easy, I don't mean here the behavior which depends on the principles and traditions connected with all society, but I mean the human-beings behavior that connected with his view towards the affairs
And the way of their interpretation. The Iraqi society has a great variation in its communities and doctrines, thus the process of the changing interpretation must be understood by all these communities and doctrines, I confess that this process is not so Easy, but mean-while is not so difficult ,knowing that the Iraqi society was a victim.
To an imposed and programmed behavior without giving any interest to its characteristics or its concept and this led to a strange feeling which can not be interpreted a feeling mixed with pain and oppression along many decades.
The process of removing some of these tolerances will have an effect upon all fields of the life. The cause of my selection this kind of subjects belongs to connect it with my scientific specialization directly, as architecture engineering especially, and with
Iraq-rebuilding field generally. Thus the construction represents group of feelings and demands of human-beings and finally it will be as along age to convey the history, heritage and culture of the people, there for I demand from all those who intend participating (I beg your pardon) in Iraq-rebuilding to study deeply the characteristics and the properties of this great people. For me, i'll discuss the subject from many sides and through many articles, also i'll discuss the higher education in Iraq and its circumstances and what are the necessary fundamentals for developing this vital sector, what are the students opinions about the new Iraqi situation and what are their reaction for the future.
I wish that ill have a good a ability in drawing a good and colored image to enable you seeing the real image of the new Iraqi citizen and the new Iraq as a people, heritage, civilization.
At the end wish you all happy new year and may all your wishes be true.
With best regards
sarmad faraj
Hi every one how are you I hope you are enjoying your time and a very happy New Year and best wishes from the Iraqi people. I just want you to know we are living in a new age of our life, hoping from all the honest people in the world to stay beside the new nation of Iraq. I want to remind you that I will publish my article on Friday and be ready I was in a trip to the hottest spot in Iraq with events in a place near the city of Tekriet where saddam was chapter so be ready to here what I see there and the conversation that happened between the locals and me.
Hi again how are you hope you are feeling good and happy New Year all. I was this week in small town named (alltheloeya) it's a town near the place which saddam was arrested called al-dour and its one of which called the seney tranquil, what our
call by the media view the resistant, well my work was see the city. What's the most important things the city need to provide it for them and I stead there on a house belong to one of the locales and we was talking on there situation and how the feel
About the new Iraq. Well they say we don't care for saddam he's gone now, we care for our life and we want to live on. Then I asked them if you want to caring on your live, then why do you fight the Americans, they want to help you? They say we know but the Americans don't know the right way to help us because they don't understand the neater of our society our traditions, our feelings. I told them but they try hard to help you and they are doing new projects to help you, projects saddam never think to doing so for you! They told me saddam is gone now what the Americans do for know, and after that I went dawn town to see the neater of the town it's a beutiful quiete town, they live away from our crowded life. There life is very simple they don't want any think more then peaceful life. I told them we want help each other to rebuilt our country they said we are ready to do so. They say we didn't reseated and we didn't do any thing to them, but the Americans troops how started the valiant. I asked them how, they said they begin to humiliate our families and don't respected our traditions and begin to break in our homes and destroy our lands saying we are supporting saddam and we are hiding him and we are the resistant center. So the relation begin to take another line between the troops and the locales. Then I ask them why you don't try to communicate with Americans, they say we try but you see any kind of building the trust between us something goes wrong. After that I went to an American military base they welcomed me and they treat me very well but unfortunately I didn't see the captain who was responsible of the rebuilding project. For me this was an amazing trip to place I was a wrong view about the satiation there. But when I've been in the middle of events, I see really different things as I said before.
That the whole thing is related with the rebuilding not the rebuilding mean contraction only, but the rebuilding of the Iraqi community I wish I have enough space in my blog. To Show you the pictures I get where ever I go and I have a lot of pictures I hope you can see it soon.
All beast regards.
Sarmad faraj
Baghdad 31/12/2003
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